senyum :D


You never knew who is loving you.You never knew who you truly love in your heart.


because love is locking after you from behind. For love, doing many "things you never knew" without regrets. There will always be some things the other does not know about in a love relationship, foolishly using one's own method to love. Perhaps the other will never feel the love, but one will still stubbornly continue to love in one's own way...Perhaps this is what true love is. :)



its not that i dont love you .

dear nazirul .
saya tahu saya banyak buat awak marah dengan saya . saya tahu apa saya tak pernah nak ikut apa yang awak cakap . sorry sayang . :'(


baru BARU baru . =]

new email. :') hey , saya dah buat new email.tengah memikirkan nak buat facebook baru . haha .. gurau je lahh . email.tu nak pakai untuk mintak keja nnti . macam kelakar lah pulak kalau mintak keja guna email macam / . wahha .. :') got new email .nama dia . ngee ..lawa kan nama tu . haha .. oh ya .kenapa shortcut to wc saya tak dapat eh ? rosak eh ? :'( hmm teruk betul dell ni .gedik ah . haha . *maaf,saya tiru joseph germani punya ayat . :P hmm .. nak cerita apa lagi eyh ? haa.. esok kan saya nak g jalan2 g oversea. nak ikut tak ? tak nak ikut rugi tapi kalau percaya lagi rugi . haha .. what to do ,saya bnyak sgt merepek kebelakangan ni .macam2 lak nak merepek nya . haha .
tadi kan mas atgh syok online adalah sorang ni add as a friend , tertanya lah jugak ..sapa lahh matual friends,takley bukak ,tak tahu napa . hmm .. lepas tu bukak lah profile si empunya account .kan kalau kita bukak profile org tu kalau status dia public an boleh baca, then saya bukak la satu2 status dia .nak tahu tak salah satu dia ape? diaupload lah test dari girlfriend dia, i mean kekasih hati dia . errhh.. saya pun pnah gak rindu kekasih saya tapi takde lah sampai mcam tu sekali . hmm .. tulah orang cakap rindu masa bercinta tu berpada-pada . ingat amsih lagi lah dgn si perempuan tu .. saya print screen lah apa yang dia post at status tu . kasi my bestfriend tgk pulak .. nak tahu tak pa?
hmm .. cakap punya cakap . rupa-rupanya dia tu kenalan my bestfriends,iskk .kecik nya dunia . but then saya cakap lah ..dia stick lagi ke dgn perempuan tu ? my bff cakap . mana ada dah , that girl tinggalkan dia sebab dah jumpa orang baru ? naa.. sayang, if you baca this post, saya nak cakap ,mulai dari hari ni saya akan berpada-pada rindu awak . :'( sebab apa? sebab saya tak na org lain,tgk kemesraan kita jadi mcam mana saya tgk case drg ni . hmm . masa bercinta siap cakap macam2 . dah putus? my bff cakap laki tu dah amcam org perempuan putus cinta dah .. asyik mennagis je keja dia ,yang perempuan tu pulak tgh asyik dgn org baru . tak tahu nak cakap apa. hmm ..
** oh ya , saya macam nak nangis lah pulak bila ada dgr satu lagu ni . ouhh sangat mendayu2 nada lagu tu . :')  sedih sgt . nak buat amcam mana kan, mungkin bukan jodoh drg kot . dgr lagu ni buat saya makin jiwang tengah2 malam macam ni . haih . . dah lama jugak tak mlayan lagu macam ni . bukan musim putus cinta okey . haha . tapi serious,lagu ni buat saya sentap . hmm . :'(

ha.. sedih kan ?  dah dha ..

#bad request lagu ni . haha . okey2 .. gtg .. nite nite . :')

banglo no 6 TK . :)

               HEY , lagi tinggal berapa minggu lagi DIPLOMA saya dah nak tamat . :) sedih pun ada !

 budak-budak rumah number 6 memang sportingg !! :) 

ni peneman setia kami .merangkap kepada teman baik MAY dan HANI .

*yg seorang kecik comel kat belakang tu SAYA dan yang pakai spec sebelah kana tu HANI . ngeee .. kan kami selalu ada je kat belakang kalau korang tangkap pic .rambut biru tu feaa,yang rambut ungu tu datin . wahha :D

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
And we would get so excitedand we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
  Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly 



 you could be my intended
choice to live my life to extended
you could be the one that i'l  aways love

you could be the one who listen 
to my deepest inquisition
you could be one i'll always love

i'll be there as soon as i can 
but im busy mending broken
pieces of the  life i had before

first there was no one who challanged
all my dream and my balance
he could never be as good as you 

 you could be my intended
choice to live my life to extended

dari cinta : TERIMA KASIH :)

life is short
grudges are waste of perfect happiness
laugh when you can
apologize when you should
and let go of what you can change
love deeply and forgive quickly
take changes and give everythings
and have no regret
life is short to be unhappy
 you have to take the good with the bad
smile when you're sad
love what you got
and always remember what you had
always forgive but never forget
learn from your mistake 
but never regret
but always remember
all is well :)

soalan dan soalan yang sama berulang kali .

cukup  cukup  bertanya tentang apa yang berlaku ,apa yang berlalu . all is over . 
soalan itu tak perlu dijawap .saya tiada jawapan untuk soalan itu .



What time is it where you are?
I miss you more than anything
Back at home you feel so far
Waitin for the phone to ring
It’s gettin lonely livin upside down
I don’t even wanna be in this town
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

You say good morning
When it’s midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It’s drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged

What time is it where you are?
5 more days and i’ll be home
I keep your picture in my car
I hate the thought of you alone
I been keeping busy all the time
Just to try to keep you off my hand
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

You say good morning
When it’s midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It’s drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
I’ve been keepin busy all time
Just to try to keep you off my mind
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy
I miss you so bad
I wanna share your horizon
And see the same sunrising
Turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me

You say good morning
When it’s midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It’s drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged

music is the best medicine .

 yes.saya suka membuang masa dengan menyanyi bila saya sedih .its just fun . saya express apa yang saya rasa by song .
masa ni sah-sah tension haha,menjiwai lagu .**
.mintak maaf bilik berserelak .

masa ni tengah nynyi lagu "aku tak percaya cinta" :)
*rambutttttt.. :P

teringat masa ni ajak liya datang karok semata-mata tension sangat exam around the corner ,pada masa yang sama banyak sangat masalah yang datang .

orang cakap music adalh best treatment kan ? :) ya. saya salah seorang diantara beribu-ribu  orang yang mengaku treatment music itu berkesan !


Aku tersesat
Menuju hatimu
Beri aku jalan yang indah
Ijinkan ku lepas penatku
‘tuk sejenak lelap di bahumu

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Tentang cinta yang datang perlahan
Membuatku takut kehilangan
Ku titipkan cahaya terang
Tak padam di dera goda dan masa

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya


last  week memang tak dapat nak lupa. sepanjang kat kolej ni ini kali kedua baju-baju saya hilang , :"( 
macam mana lah boleh terpikir nak meng "ambik baju-baju hak milik orang lain . hmm :"( apa nak jadi lah dengan manusia sekarang ni . 
 antara baju yang menjadi kenangan tanpa saya rela : 
 black one . 
                                    red one.
            the orange one .*sorry,this picture COOL sangat.sorry again.

nah! macam mana lah sang pencuri mencuri benda-benda macam ni .pada hari yang sama jugak saya kehilangan 5 helai .3 seperti yang dinyatakan diatas,lagi 2 seluar .hilang pada masa yang serentak ..diharapkan selepas mencuri barang-barang ni sang pencuri hendaklah bertaubatlah oi ,.neraka tu panas uiii....kesian ibu yang mengandung . titik.

in the name of JESUS CHRIST we pray . amen.

before going to bed prayer

heavenly father,
we thank you for making us to see the end of today ,
we thank you for your love and grace we had seen throughout the day,
as we go to bed,we commit our body,soul ,our familiy and everything we have into your hand,
please guide and protect us,and destroy every plan of the devil.
the bible says you give your beloved sound sleep.
use this time to refresh our body,our soul ,spirit and reveal your plan to ours lifes tommorow,
let ur angels to protect and guide us thoughout the night.
we redemmed tommorow with the precious blood of jesus christ.
we believe that we will wakeup safely and refresh so we have every reason to glorify your holy name.thank you for answering us.for we pray in jesus christ name. amen .

exam prayer

father almighty 
you created the earth
the universe,the wisdom and knowledge belong to you
we thank you for help us in our life and our education 
forgive all the sin and grant all our request today 
we ask for devine wisdom and understanding through this exam
let us remember 
everything we have read and direct us where need to read 
and likely question we would see in the exam
we rebuke forgetfullness,the enemy plan by redemming the exam day
with the blood of jesus christ
go with us and send your angel to monitor and help us out before and after the exam
we cannot do this on our own that why we ask for your help
thank you for answering our prayer ,take glory in our exam 
in the name of jesus christ we pray.amen.

twin infant baby :)

babies are such a nice way to start people
the hot,moist of babies fresh from naps
babies are always more trouble than you thought--and more wonderful.
a baby is born with need to be loved-never outgrows its.
a new baby is like the begginning of all thing-wonder,hope a dream of possibilities.
sweet baby in the face soft desires i can trace,secret joys and secret smiles.little pretty infant wiles. :)
they need love :)

**always kiss your children goodnight --even if they're already asleep.

cute infant photo !

those closed eyes with delicate lashes and tiny hands with half torn skin make you feel heavenly,the first cry and first laugh give you goose bumps.

infant with mum .
cute infant with cuddling palm

cute infant yawning. :)
infant reclining
infant feet
having meal
hiding on dad shoulder.
competition with dad.
cutest smile.
amused baby .

** dont forget to choose the one you would like your baby look like ..

.MEMORY.we're B.A.C.T 09.

dulu orang cakap kita paling bajet kat kolej,kita paling kerek kat kolej,apa kita buat semua budak kolej tak suka,semua budak kolej pandang slack . tapi semua tu buat kita makin nak mencabar drg .sorang sorang budak-budak BACT keluar kolej .sekarang cuma tinggal 3 orang jak budak-budak BACT kat KTT.nik,adik dan sha.

 picture taken kat mana ntah ,lupa suda . mereka yang lain selalu menghilang.haih.
satay kajang! oren and kak anis cibam duk ambik pic . haha :)
along, nurasmahanim .
*paling rapat dengan saya
*winfield international college . :)
*kolej teknologi timur
*4.00 untuk 2 sem berturut2.
panas baran tapi cepat sejuk .
k.cibam. anis shazreen
*mencarut jak keja,mentang2 budak melaka.
*tetap pendirian.
*keja dah jadi admin kat mana ntah .
uda/nick.adibah hanis
*kolej teknologi timur
*ada tiap kali adik nak urut! 
k.ha .nurhanisah 
*panas baran,takley orang kacau budak-budak BACT.
*keja da kat puteri harbour receptionst

acik.alifah zawani.
*paling gila dan ekstream.
*pernah minum clorox sebab tekanan di kenanga.
*politeknik johor

lastly . adik .amei sulang.
*mana lagi,kat KTT lagi .
*paling mengada dalam BACT.
*setiap apa yang saya lakukan saya teringat pada kalian semua.

ingat tak pakcik yang jual pisang goreng tu pernah cakap :kalau lah korang ni semua ada pakwe mesti korang semua tak semesra yang sekarang ni?lepas tu kita semua janji.tak nak ada pakwe kat kolej  ni.paling kelakar kita semua buat benda tu.sampaila satu hari salah sorang dari kita terjatuh cinta.betul cakap pak cik tu kan? :)
cinta mengubah persahabatan . :) 
betapa saya merindui kalian.teringat segala apa yang kita semua buat bersama-sama. teringat suka duka kita semua. walau apa pun kalian semua buat ketika ini,semoga kalian sihat sihat dan selalu merindu kan adik disini .


someday,delete facebook,twitter,myspace,friendster forever.

tajuk kat atas ni kadang-kadang macam tak MUNGKIN . ya ..tapi bila dah tiba masa nanti saya akan delete semua account ni .there just one reason . saya dah tak nak lagi addict dengan benda ni semua. 

* kalau hari-hari login dapat duit mesti sekarang dah jadi jutawan .

merosakan anak orang bukan benda bagus bro .

dush! kasar bunyi title kat atas ni haa.. .!
geram pulak tetiba. manusia,biasa lah selagi belum tiba masa dia kena BENCANA selagi tu tak pikir apa itu  DOSA. apa nak jadi lah dengan u ni . harapkan berpelajaran,bekerjaya tapi perangai mengalahkan syaitan . KALAU dah nak sangat merosakan orang jangan cari yang FRESH FRESH. carilah yang seperangai macam u . sibuk sangat nak mncari budak2 DARA pahal ?. tak tahu lah bila lagi nak sedar u ni .benda yang u ada tu bila-bila masa tuhan boleh ambik balik tahu tak?! bukan sembang kosong, tapi cuma nak mengingatkan bila lagi u ni nak berubah,umur dah makin BESAR  tapi tak masih jugak macam tu. KAHWIN je lah weyh,jangan nak tukar-tukar pulak pempuan.tahulah rasa lain-lain sukahati pulak nak yang ni ,malam nak yang tu ,bulan depan nak yang sana tu.
kalau pun tak u tukar-tukar betina jangan lah weyh nak musnahkan hidup orang.dah pakai buang.

 p/s: cukuplah belagak mcam  sangat SETIA dan ALIM sangat.ntah-ntah ramai lagi perempuan kat luar sana tu mengharap nak spend times dengan U .bukan nak menuduh.KENYATAAN . sekian.

A friend is a gift one give oneself.

It is by chance we met . . . by choice we became friends
me and afiqah aziz 
me with rohani hasbie
me with syafiah syahirah saa;ri
meet our datin : "sayang" :)
our cheef,"honey"
and our coorprate: darling"
ini adalah kami  :)

good friends are like dont always see them,but you know they are always there.
thick and thin,tall and small,fst and slow.tell me who is always there for you.i am sure you know.your bestfriend of course,dont let her go .

p/s : we all take different path in life,but no matter where we go,we take a little of each other everywhere.