in the name of JESUS CHRIST we pray . amen.

before going to bed prayer

heavenly father,
we thank you for making us to see the end of today ,
we thank you for your love and grace we had seen throughout the day,
as we go to bed,we commit our body,soul ,our familiy and everything we have into your hand,
please guide and protect us,and destroy every plan of the devil.
the bible says you give your beloved sound sleep.
use this time to refresh our body,our soul ,spirit and reveal your plan to ours lifes tommorow,
let ur angels to protect and guide us thoughout the night.
we redemmed tommorow with the precious blood of jesus christ.
we believe that we will wakeup safely and refresh so we have every reason to glorify your holy name.thank you for answering us.for we pray in jesus christ name. amen .

exam prayer

father almighty 
you created the earth
the universe,the wisdom and knowledge belong to you
we thank you for help us in our life and our education 
forgive all the sin and grant all our request today 
we ask for devine wisdom and understanding through this exam
let us remember 
everything we have read and direct us where need to read 
and likely question we would see in the exam
we rebuke forgetfullness,the enemy plan by redemming the exam day
with the blood of jesus christ
go with us and send your angel to monitor and help us out before and after the exam
we cannot do this on our own that why we ask for your help
thank you for answering our prayer ,take glory in our exam 
in the name of jesus christ we pray.amen.

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