How to Change Your Relationship with a Liar.

Do you ever lie? 
Or are you in a relationship with a liar? 
change your relationship with a dishonest person.

-Remember that You Teach People How to Treat You
You’ve got to have your eyes wide open. See people for who they are, not who you want them to be. 

-Don’t teach somebody that they can get away with lying to you.

You Can’t Change What You Don’t Acknowledge
You have to be honest with yourself about whether somebody is abusing you, using you or misrepresenting things to you.

-Be Real with Yourself and Your Partner
-If you lie to yourself, you’re the filter. You’re the way the world gets to see you, so if you’re distorting, then you’re totally lost.

-Be as Forthcoming as You Can Be Before You Enter into a Commitment
-If something is not right about you — you think you’ve got a bad trait or characteristic — it’s going to come out eventually. You might as well be honest from the beginning.

-Hear Your Partner
-Listen to what your mate is saying. Don’t hear what you want to hear.

-Ask Yourself if You’re Willing to Settle for What You’re Doing

##Are you happy with the circumstances you’re in? If not, demand the truth from others and yourself.

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